Today, Bowman and I headed over to Dr. Cabiness's office for his 4-month checkup. Yes, I know I'm a few weeks seems 2 kids have cost me the loss of my brain at times! This appointment was also a follow up appointment. Bowman has had a stomach virus since Saturday morning, so we were checking to make sure all was well. I'm happy to report he is on the road to recovery! Hopefully, over the next few days my little boy will be back to his former self. His schedule has pretty much gone out the window; he's had very little appetite and has only wanted to sleep when held by Mommy or Daddy. But, today he shot me a few grins and was actually rather chatty, so I'm remaining optimistic. Anyway, his well visit was great, and the doctor seemed quite pleased with his progress. In fact, he even commented that Bowman was quite the little chatterbox; it's always nice when our children "perform" for the doctors! Here's his latest growth stats:
Weight: 15 lbs. (52%) -- A drop in this category, but we're guessing he's lost some weight over the last few days between the lack of appetite AND the endless diaper changes!!
Height: 26 inches (83%)
Head: 43 cm (83%)
Bowman is still measuring smaller than his big brother; Porter was 15 lbs, 8oz and 27 inches long at this point. Wonder if Bowman will continue to remain our "little" man????
Starting the year off right
1 week ago
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