Look at my big boy!! Bowman, you have become a pro at sitting...and you love it!! This latest milestone has introduced you to a whole new world. At the beginning of the month, you still needed support, but by mid-month you were completely on your own. In fact, you've even moved from your baby tub to a nightly bath with your big brother...which is so sweet! You love to splash in the water and, invariably, Mommy and Daddy are always soaking wet when we're done. While sitting up, you reach as far as you can for a toy and, sometimes, end up on your belly. You struggle to get on all fours and usually end up scooting backwards. I really think crawling will happen in this next month; you want to be in motion desperately!
Your feeding schedule is definitely set: 4 bottles a day with 3 meals...you seem to like almost everything you've had, though it seems green beans are your least favorite. You get so excited when we put you in the high chair; you know the good stuff is on the way! There's been a little crankiness this month but I think your teeth are trying to make their appearance. The bottom teeth are right below the gumline...will they finally break through this month???
Sleep is still good; you average about 11 hours a night with 2 daily naps. Of course, this changes if we're in the car since that still seems to be your favorite place to sleep. And, you still take mini naps at daycare...but thankfully it doesn't seem to affect your nights. You usually wake up happy; Daddy and I have even turned off the monitor...you will chat for a good 30 minutes before you're ready to get out of your crib...we use this time to catch a little more shut eye!!
You love playing with your big brother and think Porter is the most hilarious person in the family. You giggle at his every move; my heart melts every time! You two aren't afraid to make a disaster when you play, but I can't complain when you are both so happy.
Starting the year off right
1 week ago
Way too cute for words!!!
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