Yes, apparently all I had to do was document my frustration with this "milestone"...or lack thereof...Porter gave daddy an extra special Father's Day gift. HA! Probably NOT what Craig had in mind, but he was excited nonetheless. We rewarded Porter with a trip to McDonald's. We let him order whatever he wanted, so we ended up coming home with a Happy Meal and an ice cream cone. Porter decided he wasn't a fan of the cone, so I had to step up and eat it for him...A mom's work is never done! Anyway, I'm sure a few accidents are in our future, but it was so nice to get over this hump. Porter was so pleased with himself...he finally realizes it's neither scary or hard to do the doo on the potty!
And, on another note, Bowman is officially in motion. He has mastered an "army crawl;" he pulls himself from one side of the room to the other with his arms FAST! Though it's not the prettiest crawl I've ever seen, he has no problem getting where he needs to go. Guess it's time to put the gate back up!!!
What an memorable Father's Day this turned out to be!!!!!!!
Starting the year off right
1 week ago
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