Porter has witnessed SNOW 3 times in his 4 short years...and every one has been in South Carolina!! It's crazy to think that it has snowed so many times "down south," but I really won't complain. I'm actually a fan of the white stuff...for a day, and then I'm ready for it all to melt away and clear off the roads. Maybe it's because it's never as pretty the second day. Or that it tends to create a lovely sheen of ice as it freezes to the roads. Or that the hospital never closes or has a 2-hour delay opening, so I have to go into work NO MATTER WHAT. But, I love the fact that my boys are able to witness this pretty amazing stuff. I just wonder if snowdays in South are going to become as normal as our 100-degree days. I think I will always choose the snowday!
Starting the year off right
1 week ago
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