Oh dear Kindle...How I love thee!!
My hubby got me this fun little toy for Christmas, and I have not been very good about putting it down. Hence my lack of taking pictures. Or blogging. Or doing anything productive. But, I cannot help it...I love downloading a book I want to read in a matter of seconds. No long waits at the library for me!
I have always loved to read (and I hope this is something I will pass on to my kids, as my husband is not the LEAST bit interested in reading...unless it's an online paper!) But, to be honest, since the kiddos came along, reading has kinda taken the back seat in my life. I would check something out from the library and end up owing a fee cause I couldn't finish it in time. I usually read on vacations which, we all know, are few and far between.
So the Kindle has become my new bestie!
Oh -- and I just finished "The Hunger Games" trilogy! Definitely recommend!!!
Starting the year off right
1 week ago
You would never think such a little device is so addicting! I had my doubts too and today gave me another reason why I loved it. I started The Hunger Games 3 days ago, finished it in the car ride today and needed to Order book #2 right away. Instant!!!
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