I think all of us who work outside the home have this feeling on occasion. The Today Show did a segment on this yesterday (http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/26184891/vp/42679160#42679160). I liked what these women had to say, and I agree with the one who, when asked if stay-at-home moms are generally happier, answered, "I think both sides often think the grass is always greener." Sometimes I worry that my kids will resent the fact that I work; but deep down I know this will not be the case. When I reflect on my own childhood, I was blessed with a mom who was able to be at home with my sister and I. This was most often due to the fact that my father was a Marine; we moved a lot and he was deployed often, so any attempt that my mother would have had to work full-time would really not have been conducive to this lifestyle. I also remember the year we lived in Rhode Island. Dad took classes at a local college and served, in all actuality, as Mister Mom that year. Mom worked for the Preservation Society (basically in a full-time capacity) and I remember how happy she was...going to work every day and bringing home stories about the latest tourist event. Dad did the laundry, the grocery shopping, took my sister and I "out and about"....I loved that year. My sister and I got a ton of extra time with Dad, but I know Mom loved that year because she got extra time with Mom. That's how I look at working. I consider myself VERY lucky that I have an extremely flexible boss (who also happens to be a husband and father, so he is always willing to work with my schedule). I also have a job I love, which is only enhanced by working with people who have become, over the years, some of my closest friends. We have been through marriages, pregnancies, disease, etc and we have shared more tears and laughs that I can ever begin to explain. My friend Joy says it best, "Working makes me a better mom." I totally agree; going to my job allows me to focus on me but when I am home with my kids, I truly cherish every moment. I do my best to put chores aside and only focus on them. Many times this is easier said then done (the laundry often can't wait for days and days!), but I know this will always be a work in progress. Time management has become my close friend, and I try to get most things done during the kids quiet/nap time in the afternoons. Trust me, I know I will never be given the role of SUPER MOM, but I know my kids think their mom is super!!! And really, isn't that what's important??
Starting the year off right
1 week ago
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