Monday, May 2, 2011
Little Mommy
Posted by Katie at 5:53 AM 0 comments
Saturday, April 30, 2011
The Noise You Hear...
We took the boys to the Air Show in Beaufort today. I have ALWAYS loved this event!! Even though the Blue Angels come every other year, I am always amazed by the terrific flying skills they demonstrate. To be a pilot in those jets must be thrilling!!! I can't help but appreciate their talent...and total fearlessness!!
The Air Show also offered the boys an opportunity to get "up close and personal" with other airplanes in the military. You can't help but be amazed and impressed with the size of these flying machines. In fact, Lightning McQueen may finally have some competition...Porter hasn't put his new toy jet down since he got it. Maybe he'll follow Grampa Bud's footsteps and don a flight suit in the future!!
Posted by Katie at 5:22 AM 0 comments
Monday, April 25, 2011
Things are REALLY Warmin' Up 'Round Here!!
Posted by Katie at 10:01 AM 0 comments
Friday, April 22, 2011
The Mother of Boys
Handprints on cupboards
and shoes in the hall.
Toilet seat's up and there's
mud on the wall.
Every sports channel to
them will appeal,
And the front room doubles
as a football field.
The shelves in the kitchen
are continually bare.
There's toys on the couch
and jeans on the chair.
Wrestling and mud and
cars and noise,
I'm sure you can guess I'm
the MOTHER of BOYS!!!
-Patsy Gaut
Posted by Katie at 7:35 AM 0 comments
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Working Mom's Guilt
I think all of us who work outside the home have this feeling on occasion. The Today Show did a segment on this yesterday ( I liked what these women had to say, and I agree with the one who, when asked if stay-at-home moms are generally happier, answered, "I think both sides often think the grass is always greener." Sometimes I worry that my kids will resent the fact that I work; but deep down I know this will not be the case. When I reflect on my own childhood, I was blessed with a mom who was able to be at home with my sister and I. This was most often due to the fact that my father was a Marine; we moved a lot and he was deployed often, so any attempt that my mother would have had to work full-time would really not have been conducive to this lifestyle. I also remember the year we lived in Rhode Island. Dad took classes at a local college and served, in all actuality, as Mister Mom that year. Mom worked for the Preservation Society (basically in a full-time capacity) and I remember how happy she was...going to work every day and bringing home stories about the latest tourist event. Dad did the laundry, the grocery shopping, took my sister and I "out and about"....I loved that year. My sister and I got a ton of extra time with Dad, but I know Mom loved that year because she got extra time with Mom. That's how I look at working. I consider myself VERY lucky that I have an extremely flexible boss (who also happens to be a husband and father, so he is always willing to work with my schedule). I also have a job I love, which is only enhanced by working with people who have become, over the years, some of my closest friends. We have been through marriages, pregnancies, disease, etc and we have shared more tears and laughs that I can ever begin to explain. My friend Joy says it best, "Working makes me a better mom." I totally agree; going to my job allows me to focus on me but when I am home with my kids, I truly cherish every moment. I do my best to put chores aside and only focus on them. Many times this is easier said then done (the laundry often can't wait for days and days!), but I know this will always be a work in progress. Time management has become my close friend, and I try to get most things done during the kids quiet/nap time in the afternoons. Trust me, I know I will never be given the role of SUPER MOM, but I know my kids think their mom is super!!! And really, isn't that what's important??
Posted by Katie at 7:17 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Touch A Truck 2011
Posted by Katie at 4:47 AM 0 comments
A Blog Hiatus
I have been a horrible blogger. Like, really horrible. But, in my defense, I've actually been really busy. My friend Adair and I chaired one of the 3 fundraisers done by the Junior League here in town...and that was held last weekend, so for the past 2 months, my free time has been making sure that was all coming together. And, I decided to do the extra shift bonus at for 12-weeks, I worked an extra day at the hospital. It was worth it for the time and a half I made for this shift (plus the hefty bonus I received at the end!!) The good news it, all that money went to our Hawaii trip next year. The bad definitely wore me out! I've also taken on redoing (or should I say, finally DOING, all the rooms in my to come!) SO, needless to say, getting on the computer has been the last thing on my mind. But, I am back and promise (ok, I will try) to update this more regularly. Thanks to everyone for their patience!!
Posted by Katie at 4:41 AM 0 comments
Thursday, February 24, 2011
The World According to Porter
"Mommy, I love Captain Hook...and his friend, Mr. Sneeze."
"Let's play be The Incredible Hoke."
Porter: "Mommy, what color are these pants?"
Me: "They are khaki."
Porter: "Hey, that's Grammy's name!!"
Me: "No, her name is JACKIE."
Posted by Katie at 5:43 PM 0 comments
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Groove is in the Heart!
Posted by Katie at 4:06 PM 0 comments
My Latest Obsession
Oh dear Kindle...How I love thee!!
My hubby got me this fun little toy for Christmas, and I have not been very good about putting it down. Hence my lack of taking pictures. Or blogging. Or doing anything productive. But, I cannot help it...I love downloading a book I want to read in a matter of seconds. No long waits at the library for me!
I have always loved to read (and I hope this is something I will pass on to my kids, as my husband is not the LEAST bit interested in reading...unless it's an online paper!) But, to be honest, since the kiddos came along, reading has kinda taken the back seat in my life. I would check something out from the library and end up owing a fee cause I couldn't finish it in time. I usually read on vacations which, we all know, are few and far between.
So the Kindle has become my new bestie!
Oh -- and I just finished "The Hunger Games" trilogy! Definitely recommend!!!
Posted by Katie at 3:58 PM 1 comments
Monday, January 31, 2011
Eat Healthy America: Part 1
I decided to divide this entry into Parts. I have a feeling I will be commenting on this randomly throughout the year since one of my resolutions this year was to make more exciting recipes while encouraging my kids to eat healthier foods. Eating healthy has kind of become one of my passions. I'm not necessarily into simply low-fat foods; I'm more obsessed with our country"s dependence on processed foods...and I'm a little more than convinced this has led to the unbelievable rise in cancer, etc. in this country (many of you may disagree...just my opinion!)
My sister recently posted an article on Facebook that I loved -- and stole for my own profile page! If you didn't get a chance to read it, do so now: Basically, it reiterates everything I have come to believe! I often wonder if my friends view me as a mean mommy: my kids have never had tea, Porter has had Sprite twice (both times commenting that "IT BURNS!"), dessert is NOT a nightly ritual, we eat out rarely, milk and water are often the only beverages offered -- when juice is offered, I still cut it with water, fast food restaurants are few and far between, and they have been known to go to bed hungry -- I am not a short-order cook...what you see is what you get! Of course, I am not a saint either...sometimes I want to make chocolate cake OR eat a fried Chic-Fil-A sandwich, but I also limit myself...I am also a huge advocate for family dinners. Growing up, no matter what we had for dinner OR who was home, we always ate around the dinner table. As teens, my sister and I both found this very annoying, but my parents stayed them, it was an opportunity to talk to us without TV, phones, music, etc. Just the 4 of us, around the table...Craig and I continue this tradition. Again, I am no saint...there are times when the TV has been left on or we let the kids eat their snack on the couch, but for dinner, there are no exceptions!!! To me, that is family time, a time for conversation, a time for chatting with my kids and husband, a chance to be together. Of course, our meals are by no means QUIET, but hearing my kids talk non-stop is a glorious thing. Better that then hearing a few grunts from behind their Leapsters...just sayin'. I figure there will be enough years in my future when my boys don't have a thing to say to either of us. But, I will still demand that they eat dinner at the table with us...even if the only sound I hear is the chewing of food!
Posted by Katie at 6:07 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
I'm Dreaming of...
Trust me, I am not wishing time away, but the plans are in the works for a family trip to this amazing state next Spring. Yes, it's a full year away, but I am already loving the idea of walking on the beach, seeing the beautiful sunsets, and taking my boys on a trip they will never forget!! And an added bonus: Craig's brother is stationed there, so we'll get to visit Uncle Jonathan too! Here's to April 2012!!!!
Posted by Katie at 7:11 AM 0 comments
Sunday, January 16, 2011
It's Time for...MONSTER JAM!!!
Posted by Katie at 5:39 PM 0 comments
Thursday, January 13, 2011
"Snow" Much Fun!
Posted by Katie at 5:05 AM 0 comments