Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, June 28, 2009

8 Glorious Months!

So many exciting things to report this month!! I guess, first and foremost, I am happy to report that Bowman is crawling...well, scooting I guess is more like it. He looks just like a little army man, dragging himself across the room. He's actually quite fast; I'm always amazed how quickly AND how often I have to move him away from stuff. Bowman does try to move in the "classic" crawl position but hasn't quite gotten the timing right. He is able to get himself back into a sitting position when on the floor; he's gotten so grown up!
I guess you can already guess what his 2nd big news little boy has teeth! He currently has 3...2 on the bottom and 1 on the top. AND, the 4th tooth is trying to make an appearance as well. So, 3 (almost 4) teeth in 3 weeks...yeah, we've had a few rough nights!! But, he's back to sleeping soundlessly from about 7p - 6a. Though Craig and I would love a later wake-up time, I hate to complain....he could still be waking up at night...yikes!

Bowman is so happy; in fact, everyone seems to comment on how cheery he is. Many of the moms from Bowman's class at the daycare tell me how he greets them in the morning and afternoon will a big smile! He's also started waving. Trust me, he doesn't do it all the time, but when he does...I absolutely love it! As much as I hate for him to grow up, I love the little personality he is developing. He continues to be enraptured with his brother. Porter is always greeted with a smile and (more often than not) a giggle to go with it. They play together every day. While Porter sometimes forgets that Bowman isn't as big as he is, they still manage to have a wonderful time together.

Bowman's eating routine hasn't changed much. He's still eating 3 meals and drinking 4 bottles a day. I tried introducing a few solid foods, but he isn't ready. Most of the time he clamps his lips together when I offer him something and, the few times I have given it to him, he gags. So we're staying away from that for now...we'll just stick with the baby food.

Bowman continues to amaze us with how much he grows and how much he learns every day. I know he will be walking soon, so I'm trying to cherish the few truly "baby" moments I have left.