Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Bowman is 5 months old!!

Happy 5 months Bowman O'Neil!! You've been through a lot since you came into this world, but you still greet every day with a huge smile. Daddy and I love you so much and, for the most part, you are a very easy just go with the flow!! You love to sit in your Bumbo; I think you enjoy looking at the world from this perspective...laying on your back gets very old. And, actually, you sit up perfectly straight...guess I need to take another picture of that! You also enjoy the kick mat we recently bought for you, your bouncy swing, and the exersaucer. In fact, you're pretty content with pretty much everything.
You are trying so hard to roll from your back to your belly...If only you could figure out how to get that arm out of the way! I actually think you will be successful within the next week or are one determined little man! You can sit up with little assistance, and do your best work in the tub. Porter sat up completely on his own at this rate, you might just beat him! We're still working on our goal of 12 hours of sleep straight, but you've proven for a few nights that 9 hours uninterrupted is possible...guess I can't complain too much! When you do get up, you suck down your bottle and are back to sleep until at least 7am...but aren't afraid to sleep until 8!!

Like I mentioned before, you are very laid-back and honestly only cry for 2 reasons...TIRED and HUNGRY!! In the morning, you get so irriated when we change your diaper before your the time the tears start to flow, you are so over everything and just want what you want! I guess that's one of the main reasons Daddy and I don't have the heart to just let you "cry it out." The tears are so few and far between, and I know you are really in need when you cry out for us.

Eating food has been going well! We're still just dabbling with rice cereal, and you typically eat about 2 ounces at a time. You've had no problems adjusting to this addition to your diet, and get so excited when I put you in your high chair! I'm actually looking forward to starting you on veggies in a few weeks!

Bowman, you are a very happy baby, and I cannot imagine my world without you. You love your big brother and spend most of your days grinning at him; he even makes you laugh out loud! These next few months will be very exciting -- sitting up, eating veggies and fruit, and even crawling. Part of me will be baby is growing up, but I know you will love all the new experiences and will become even more amazed with the world as your methods of exploration expand!